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This is the best photo from this post: Grumpy Papoe (me)

About Papoe

Hi...I am named Papoe (read: pa-poo) because my origin is from Papua New guinea :) I am a Pink belly short Necked Turtle. Mommy adopted me on March 11, 2012. I am struggling with my body size...maybe I am a midget

39 responses »

  1. Deb says:

    Well if I didn’t know better I would say, “Happy,” But a previous post tell me otherwise. Very cute either way though…I love the shots Papoe!
    Aunty Deb xo

  2. Binky says:

    Yes, I think Papoe looks happy here. Nice closeup, Papoe!

  3. hey, Papoe…ya still look super-cute in grumpy beauty shot… xoxox- Vanilla Bean
    p.s. luv the close-up…

  4. Bikramjit Singh Mann says:

    Seems to be getting better so happy happy.

  5. Donna says:

    But, he looks happy. Photos can be deceiving sometimes.

    PS. Thanks for the photo. Angry or Happy he’s still cute!

    • Novroz says:

      Agree!!! if I am not the one taking the photo, I would have thought it was a happy face.

      Thank you Dona 🙂 I love taking pictures of my baby turtles.

  6. raisingdaisy says:

    He sure looks happy, but I remember you said that was his angry face when you dried him off with the towel. Maybe he’s getting used to the towel and he’s saying “Ahhhhhh”? 😀

    • Novroz says:

      Ah…Daisy mom, it is actually the same moment, this photo is the best of all I have taken for previous post. He was still angry, but his beak shape makes us think that he is happy 😉

  7. snoopys@snoopysdogblog says:

    That is a great photo – I’m gonna go for happy 🙂 He’s SO cute!!

    Hope you’re having a fun day 🙂

    Your pal Snoopy 🙂

  8. Wazeau says:

    Happy or mad, he’s still cute.

  9. Nekoneko says:

    Ooooh!! He’s got a smiley beak but oh so angry looking eyes….. 😉

  10. Kas says:

    Any emotion, you’re adorable 🙂

  11. pael,leo,misel,donat says:

    soo unyu..kroten dpt saingan nih!cpt gede y papoe!

  12. tunsa says:

    hihi.. unyu-unyu.. tapi ndak terlalu suka bentuk begituan.. hiii.. #entahlah

  13. Tony McGurk says:

    Grumpy??? He looks super duper happy

  14. I’m going to go with “Watching reruns of ‘Gamera’ on television”!

  15. Who knew turtles could be so expressive! If this is Papoe’s ‘grumpy’ expression, then I wonder how he looks when he is really HAPPY 😀

  16. Androgoth says:

    I think ‘Happy’ on this one 🙂 🙂

    Uncle Andro XXx

  17. Lucy says:

    Aww so cute!

  18. Haha! 😀 Happy! I just want to paw^5 you Papoe!! 😀 Love, Popcorn ;}

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