Hello friends πŸ™‚

Sorry for taking so long to update on my baby turtles. My baby human has consumed all my time. Now, I have gotten used to his sleeping schedule so I can managed to do my things bit by bit.

We are still not going to post as much as before but we will at least try to post once a month (minimum).

I want to share a bit about my two little turtles.

During my labour, I had to stay in the hospital for three days. When I came back…Kurome and Papoe had changed their behaviour.

Those who come to our blog often know that Kurome was very passionate and always chased me around as shown in this video:

However…since I came back from the hospital with the baby…he had a change of behaviour. He no longer chased me around. Whenever I let him out, he would just hide in the corner. He doesn’t follow me everywhere anymore 😦

It has been going on for a month now…and since I am still busy with my newborn and never-ending chores, I haven’t had time to bond again with him. I always call his name hoping he will pop up and chase me…but it doesn’t work anymore 😦

Now that things have settled down a bit, I manage to have a bit of time to hold him again and teach him to follow me again…but I will have to be patience as he still hasn’t shown a lot of changes yet.


Kurome under a chair



Hiding in corner of a table

Meanwhile, the shy Papoe has become less shy after I came home from the hospital. She hasn’t become like Kurome (the old Kurome) yet…She still hasn’t chase me around but at least she no longer hides in the corner. Whenever I let her out, she would explore the house.

She would turned her head when I call her…but hasn’t yet come to me, she would come close but not close enough as if still considering whether to trust me or not.

Here she is around the house:


Near Anka’s cradle



Near my foot…but not close enough



Even a little trip to the laundry room

Overall…Kurome has changed from passionate to shy while Papoe has change to less shy.

Good news on Papoe but not so good news on Kurome…but I will try my best to get the old Kurome back. Wish me luck πŸ™‚

About Novroz

A working mother trying to find time to keep updating my blogs.

17 responses »

  1. Robert Bourgeois says:

    Good to hear from you all, hope things are all well !!

    On Sat, Nov 19, 2016 at 12:36 AM, Underneath The Shell wrote:

    > Novroz posted: “Hello friends πŸ™‚ Sorry for taking so long to update on my > baby turtles. My baby human has consumed all my time. Now, I have gotten > used to his sleeping schedule so I can managed to do my things bit by bit. > We are still not going to post as much as befor” >

  2. maybe Kurome is a little jealous that a human baby lives now with you? But I’m sure they will be the bestest friends once :o)

  3. xeristh says:

    When I haven’t adjusted with my college life yet (if you remember when I ‘absent’ from commenting your posts), this happened to me too. I basically only touched my girls when it is time to changing their water and to feed them.

    When I learned to manage my time and had less college’s activity, I finally tried to bonded with them again. They did not recognize me anymore. I held them for the first time after so long, and they looked really confused.

    I don’t exactly remember how long it takes until they bonded with me again, but I remember it’s not too long (not 3-4 days, probably 1-2 weeks or perhaps a month). Yes, they were changing after that. Not chasing me anymore like they would do, but waiting for me to get them.

    Until recently, 2 months ago the little one was sick and I took extra time and attention to her. She’s fine now and like to chase me.

    • Novroz says:

      I think it takes long time because I hardly have time to play with Kuro anymore. It has to wait till the baby a bit older. Tight now all my time is for the baby, house chores and school chores (yes, I am on my maternity leave but still doing report card preparation)

  4. Binky says:

    That’s very interesting that they both changed so much is so little time. I suppose to a turtle three days may be a lot longer. Or maybe they also sense something different, with your new son around. Different noises and smells and behaviours.

  5. Good luck in getting turtles and newborn acclimated!
    Thanks for linking up at http://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2016/11/cana.html

  6. Having a baby must be pretty stressful. I hope Kurome gets better.

  7. Terra Toby says:

    Turtles are sensitive aren’t they? But soon I hope Kurome will come around πŸ™‚

  8. Henry says:

    Aww so cute and tiny! Great pictures, thanks for sharing πŸ™‚ Henry

  9. […] in November 2016 I wrote a post called A Change of Behaviour, it was about how Kurome kept distance to us all. From a turtle who waas full of eagerness to be […]

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