Note: This is a repost!!

I published it on October 6, 2010. This was my first post (before this Kame and Kroten were doing the writing). Because back in 2010 there were hardly anyone noticing our blogs and because today is the last Monday of this month ( Time to share the memory of Kame), I decided to repost this post 🙂

Enjoy 🙂

Hi…this is my first post in my turtles’ blog, I decided to introduce these next funny pictures of my turtles by myself because both Kame and Kroten are embarrassed with these pictures and none of them want to give the opening words.

Let me tell you something, turtles are greedy!! All they can think about is FOOD, FOOD and nothing but FOOD.

One night, Kame was out of her tank and started sniffing around. I followed her every movement. The sniffing stopped in from of her pellet’s jar, apparently I forgot to put it back on the shelf.

See the picture below, she tried to open the lit with her mouth. It wouldn’t open, of course. The quality of the picture is not good because Kame moved so fast.

And then, she tried to eat the whole jar instead 😉 silly girl!

I guess she was feeling sorry that she couldn’t open the lid with her hand and hoping to have hand like a monkey ;p

Another picture that makes me laugh is this one. I put the lid on the ground and Kroten started sniffing it, and then she decided to bite the lid and carried it near to her tank so that she could swallow it (water turtles can not swallow without the present of water). Kroten’s act itself had made me laugh so hard, but I noticed something else that made me laugh harder. Look at Kame’s expression!! She was on the top right corner.

She had a longing face and I think she was also jealous, I believe she was thinking like this: ‘WTH!!, mommy gives her a huge food and I was here without anything to eat. Hmm…maybe I can steal it from her

These are extra pictures. These pictures were taken last year.

I let the lid opens and observe what will Kame do to the jar. First, she smelled it, then she turned around to find the perfect place to climb up. When she finally found it, she used one of her hand to hold her self up and the other hand to cling on the jar. I held the jar on the other side because I didn’t want Kame to push it. I didn’t want her to eat the pellets, so I lifted her up and closed the jar again.

Shared at

In memory of Kame (in memory)

About Novroz

A working mother trying to find time to keep updating my blogs.

28 responses »

  1. Yikes you like me, Greedy..:) Love the photo’s so cute xx00xx

    Mollie and Alfie

  2. Binky says:

    I guess turtles are like dogs and Wombies!

    • Novroz says:

      I think more wombies with chocolate 😉
      People often asked me how much food should we give them because my turtle always eat everytime I give them food….my answer was always simple, they will eat everything given to them 😉

      • Binky says:

        Not so good for them, though. I guess you have to control their diets carefully. I remember the pictures of someone’s fat neck!

      • Novroz says:

        Yup!! And they get fat very fast 😦
        All my three babies are now fat even though they only eat veggie. It’s tough being a turtle mommy

  3. Hehe – she’s hungry! 🙂

  4. So cute, carrying the lid to the tank. Greedy little critters, aren’t they 🙂

  5. kzemek says:

    I didn’t realize turtles liked to eat so much, but I guess all animals do. It’s probably the highlight of their days.

    • Novroz says:

      Lol … I like that ‘the highlight of their days’ . I imagined them talking about nothing but food with their animal friends, talking like hmmm what’s the menu for today 😉

  6. So cute! Love the photos 🙂

  7. Donna says:

    Kame?? tried to eat the whole jar?? Isn’t Kroten used to be much greedy than Kame?

    • Novroz says:

      Oh…Kame was also greedy, the difference is: Kame was greedy over REAL food while Kroten is greedy on EVERYthing 😉
      Anyway, Kroten has becomes less food adventurous now.

  8. snoopys@snoopysdogblog says:

    Great pictures – Is it an ‘All you can eat buffet’ in that last group? 🙂

    Have fun,

    Your pal Snoopy 🙂

  9. Winston says:

    Great photos…hold tight to that lid!!!!!

  10. Alice Audrey says:

    You’re such a tease. 🙂

  11. another turtle keeper says:

    Lol my turtles does the exact same thing! I like to let them bite the bottle caps then watch as they go running around like headless chickens banging into walls!

  12. michael says:

    how do you train your turtle to do that

  13. Terra and pin says:

    Like us!! We greddy like pigs.

  14. Kaifwa says:

    This would look so great in a Webtoon LOL
    I want to see Kame and the others in a comic, it would be so fun 🙂

Thank you for commenting :)