Hello 🙂

It’s been a while since my last Share Your Pet post 🙂 Since this is special for guest post, I often find difficulty in finding people who want to share their pets here. Fortunately, Mommy asked her friend, TBM @ 50 Year Project to share a bit about her lovely pets, Miles and Atticus.

This is my first time featuring non-turtle pets 🙂 I am sooooo excited.

Take it away Aunty TBM 🙂


A couple of weeks ago Novroz asked me to introduce my boys on her site.

I’ll begin with Miles. This Boston Terrier has spunk. He was named Miles since he traveled a lot of miles when he was a puppy. He was born in Colorado and moved to Boston when he was twelve weeks old. At the time, no one knew that Miles would then move from Boston to London. He really has traveled far.

I didn’t meet him until he was three. Right away he stole my heart. He has the best smile in the world. And he has tons of energy. Just the other day a woman with a puppy asked how old Miles was as he rolled around on the ground with her puppy. When I said he was ten she was flabbergasted. He does not act like an old dog. And I hope he never does. The woman claimed Miles is not a boring dog. She’s right about that. Each day he brightens my life.

This is Miles

This is Miles

Now for the prince of our family. This is Atticus. I do believe he thinks he’s royalty. In reality, Atticus was a stray. When I still lived in Colorado we had experienced a week of frigid temperatures and a lot of snow. Late one night I was getting into my car and I heard a weird quacking sound. It was a dark night so I couldn’t see what it was making the sound. It turned out to be Atticus. He decided to adopt me that night. I took him home and he’s been with me ever since—eight years now. When he climbed into my car I thought he was a kitten. A few days later I took him to the vet and realized he was over a year old. He was tiny from living on the streets. A few weeks later, he had put some weight on and his fur looked a lot more respectable.

A year later he moved to Boston with me and met Miles. They haven’t become the best of friends, but occasionally I find them cuddling. Usually this is on cold nights. Like Miles, Atticus moved to London with us. Our new flat has tons of windows for him to look out of.

This is Atticus

This is Atticus

I think both boys are happy to be living in London. And we are happy to share our home with two incredible animals. And we spoil them rotten.


Thank you for sharing about Miles and Atticus, Aunty TBM 🙂

We, 3 turtles and 1 human, all think that both Miles and Atticus are very handsome.

Here are more adorable photos of Miles and Atticus!

Miles loves to play fetch with his red ball.

Miles loves to play fetch with his red ball.

Miles is always happy.

Miles is always happy.

Miles doesn't think he's a dog, but a person. He sleeps under the covers each night.

Miles doesn’t think he’s a dog, but a person. He sleeps under the covers each night.

I'm biased, but I think he's a beautiful cat.

I’m biased, but I think he’s a beautiful cat.

Atticus loves to sleep.

Atticus loves to sleep.

About Papoe

Hi...I am named Papoe (read: pa-poo) because my origin is from Papua New guinea :) I am a Pink belly short Necked Turtle. Mommy adopted me on March 11, 2012. I am struggling with my body size...maybe I am a midget

38 responses »

  1. catchatcaren says:

    great job!! They are soooooooooo cute!

  2. Red says:

    Nice to meet Miles and Atticus. Both are very handsome!

    I hope you can stop by and meet our new family member (Saturday Evening Post). We think he is a cutie.

  3. Binky says:

    Miles and Atticus look very nice. They travelled all the way to London with you? That must have been some trip for them.

    • TBM says:

      It was a five hour flight for them. They didn’t like it much, however, we didn’t want to leave them behind when my partner was transferred for work. They adjusted pretty quickly and hopefully they won’t have to move again.

  4. TBM says:

    Thanks for sharing my boys on your blog. They love attention!

    • Novroz says:

      Thank you for sharing them, TBM 🙂
      You have such beautiful boys.
      Miles sleeping on the bed is the cutest dog photo ever! And glad to know that my turtles aren’t the only one sleeping under a blanket 😉

      • TBM says:

        Miles thinks he’s a human and demands to sleep under the covers with his head on a pillow.

      • Novroz says:

        How cool is that!! Miles spent too much time with you and your partner 😉

        Does he sleep like that all night? He is in your bed, right?

      • TBM says:

        He starts off the night at the foot of the bed, but then we he gets cold he moves up and wants under the covers. He decides each morning who he wants to cuddle with: me or my partner. He’s pretty good about sharing–both of us adore him. He’s the last one out of bed every morning. I’ll be up for an hour or two before he starts his day. He’s not a morning dog.

      • Novroz says:

        In a way…Miles has become like a real baby boy for you two 😉

        Two thumbs up for Miles 🙂

  5. […] I wanted to mention that Atticus and Miles are featured on Underneath the Shell today. If you get a chance, pop over and say […]

  6. Those are two cutie pies 🙂 Thank you for sharing, and of course the boys can come to my pawty 🙂 xx00xx

    Mollie and Alfie

  7. fitri says:

    beautiful story..thank god they found you TBM

  8. pattisj says:

    TBM sent me by. Now I see what “Underneath the Shell” means!

  9. Caroline says:

    Oh they are so wonderful, these two.

  10. snoopys@snoopysdogblog says:

    Haha – I didn’t look at the pictures until I scrolled down as I was reading, so when I heard that Atticus was quaking in the car I thought he was a Duck, then I read that they first thought he was a kitten and I thought, how can you mistake a Duck for a kitten?! 🙂

    Great to meet your buddies,

    Hope you’re having a fun day 🙂

    Your pal Snoopy 🙂

  11. Donna says:

    Do they get along? Most cat and dog are enemies, but they can be friends fight?

  12. Deb says:

    Lovely pets…all of them. 🙂

  13. Gizmo says:

    Lovely to meet Miles & Atticus…I loved the picture of Miles flying with his ball and Atticus certainly has lovely thick fur now

  14. […] Share Your Pets #7 : Miles and Atticus […]

  15. […] Se quedó dormido viendo su programa favorito en la TV kamekroten17. Creo que necesitas una cama más […]

  16. […] Credits: kamekroten.wordpress.com […]

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