I brought Kurome home on September 2012. He was such a sweet heart. So darn cute and not shy at all. I read somewhere that Reeve’s Turtle has great personality…it’s true! Kurome is a fast learner, he copies Kroten in just a year.

Look at this video to see how I spend my morning everyday before I leave to work

He chases me around as if I have a huge pocket of food in my hands…he knows I don’t have the food but he still chases me. He enjoys being petted…you can see in the video how he enjoys it.

There are moments where both Kroten and Kurome chased me together and both wanted to be petted. Sometimes I feel like I have a pair of cats/dogs rather than a pair of turtles πŸ˜‰

I am still waiting for Papoe to be the third chasing party πŸ˜‰


This post is part of a challenge calledΒ β€œpet story” challenge from Tiffany Pham, the community manager for Dropcam (www.dropcam.com).

Thank you Tiffany for asking us to join in ((hug))

About Novroz

A working mother trying to find time to keep updating my blogs.

44 responses »

  1. Sounds pawesome but I can’t see the video…

  2. eagleblossom says:

    Hi! Love your turtle posts. But this video says it is private and I can’t view it.

  3. Mags Corner says:

    That was just precious. I really enjoyed the video. Such sweet little turtles. Hugs

  4. this was so adorable! Love the music you used too! I have a Turtle Children’s book on Cat Chat With Caren and Cody today, go and check it out. If you like the book, email me your address and I will mail it to you. cgittleman at mi dot rr dot com

    • Novroz says:

      Thank you Caren πŸ™‚
      I try to use cover for my video because using copyrighted songs often make my video blocked by youtube 😦 I am glad you like the music I have chosen for this.

      Oh wow…a book about turtle?? I will visit your blog after work πŸ™‚ thank you for letting me know and for the kind offer ((hug))

  5. Alice Audrey says:

    That is so cute. You have such sweet turtles.

  6. Binky says:

    They just want to get petted, and you keep running away from them! At least they get their reward in the end.

  7. That’s so cute. He’s going really fast too!

  8. kzemek says:

    So cute, I didn’t realize turtles like being pet. You really should link this post up to AWW Mondays over a http://comedyplus.blogspot.com!

  9. We are so far behind on all our comments. Your little babies are the best, they have so much character πŸ™‚ xxooxxx

    Mollie and Alfie

    • Novroz says:

      No worry Mollie πŸ™‚ I did that too once in a while, busy with work.

      Thank you and yes I know…I love how they all have their distinct character.

  10. So sweet! Loved the video πŸ™‚

  11. Misaki says:

    That is so cool!

  12. That’s real sweet. I love when turtles seem to put it into high gear…turbo turtles motoring along!

    –Woofs and purrs from Life with Dogs and Cats.

  13. Comedy Plus says:

    I’ve never had a pet turtle or are you the pet to the turtle? Our dog Little Bit has us.

    Welcome to Awww Mondays. πŸ™‚

  14. FleaByte says:

    That is just adorable. πŸ™‚ I never would have imagined that a turtle would like to be petted.

  15. Marquie says:

    That’s so adorable that they chase you around, aww! Thank you for sharing. Turtles are so neat and so cute.

  16. Nekoneko says:

    So sweet as always…. I always like to see them chase you like that. It’s remarkable to see just how attached they are to you, and the way the like to have their necks tickled!! Very much like any kitty or doggy indeed. I can’t wait till Papoe joins in the fun. It’ll be a veritable turtle stampede!! πŸ™‚

  17. April says:

    awww he’s is adorable. We have been looking for a new turtle since having to give up Rex I will have to do some research on these cutties πŸ˜€

    • Novroz says:

      Thank you April πŸ™‚
      Well, Kurome is a Chynemis Reveessi or Chinese Three Keeled Pond Turtle…hope you can find this species, this one is very sweet.

  18. raisingdaisy says:

    Oh my gosh, that’s just the cutest thing EVER!! I love that video. πŸ˜€

  19. Kathe W. says:

    what a sweetheart! I love turtles! We used to have one when the kids were small- he lived a long time! Big hhugs!

  20. I’ll get you in the book but I need you to send me head shots of the babies. belneameadow@ gmail.com .

  21. Donna says:

    Next time, sow us the video of Kroten n Murome (n Papoe too, if possible) chasing you!
    Soon, Papoe will join too!

  22. How sweet, it must be fun to be chased by turtles every morning! No games of chase going on here first thing in the morning, I’m too sleepy! πŸ™‚

    I hope you’re having a fun day,

    Your pal Snoopy πŸ™‚

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